Harry Potter Fanfiction Wiki

Lily Luna Potter is the younger sister of Albus Potter and James Potter II.

In Albus Potter and the Next Generation[]

Year One[]

Lily's only time that she is mentioned is when it is stated that she stayed in the car when they picked up James and Albus.

Year Two[]

She stayed at the Weasley's that summer with the rest of her family.

In Harry Potter's After the End[]

Lily is a metamorphagus.

In Lily Luna Potter and the Return of some Crappy People[]

Lily is a metamorphagus, and prefers to have her hair green, or purple, or both. If her hair is blue

, she's not listening. She has undiscovered muscial talent that she got from Ginny, and is quite close friends with Kathryn Allen. She believes that Clara is a lying decieving person, and will stop at nothing to prove that. She is often stealing Chocolate Frog cards from people, and likes to talk in random languages so that people can't understand her, though no one knows where she learned all of them in the first place. Albus is the only one that can understand her at most times.

In The Rose Chronicles[]

Lily is Rose's cousin and a member of the Junior Order of the Phoenix, but other than this, she does not have a large role. She is known to be very cheerful.

In The Next Generation and the Deathly Hallows[]

James Potter and the Elder Wand[]

Lily has a small role.

Albus Potter and the Resurrection Stone[]

Lily has a small role.

Lily Potter and the Invisibility Cloak []

Lily will have a very large role.
